KRUK funded patient study kickoff and demonstration of new dialysis monitoring technology

This week has been a landmark in the progress of our iTrend and DIAMONDS projects.
We have commenced a 150 patient study in the renal unit at Royal Derby Hospital. The patient study captures continuous physiological measurements from patients receiving typically 4-hour dialysis treatment.
The study supports the DIAMONDS Dialysis Monitoring for decision support project uses the data to build models to predict the onset of hypotension (rapid blood pressure drop) during treatment,

The study also provides an opportunity to demonstrate and refine the non-invasive continuous blood pressure measurement technology developed in the iTrend Intelligent Technologies for Renal Dialysis project. The screenshot shows a measured arterial and venous line pressures (lower left), at startup the system receives sufficient calibration information, and then outputs a continuous brachial blood pressure estimate (lower right, blue trace). Regular calibration and verification is provided by automated arm cuff measurements and background measurements via Finapres Nova. The screen shot shows the first time this has been achieved in a Renal Unit treatment situation.

The iTrend project is supported by the MStart trust, and DIAMONDS is supported by a Kidney Research U.K. Stoneygate award


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